viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2007

Oracle for Christ Michael, Creator Son of Nebadon, and our Planetary Prince, Sananda Immanuel Esu Kumara.

Jess Anthony, Oracle for Christ Michael, Sananda Immanuel, and Abraham Lincoln

By Candace
Aug 27, 2007, 19:34

Hi everyone! I am proud to announce Jess Anthony, who so many of you have enjoyed his work, as a member of this team. He is now, and will in greater purpose after the announcement activities,serve as Oracle for Christ Michael, Creator Son of Nebadon, and our Planetary Prince, Sananda Immanuel Esu Kumara. He has also begun a project with Abraham Lincoln.


Jess came on the scene in early summer of 2005, placing a piece with Christ Michael, and I very pleased with this, as he added so much support and credibility to the project. He had sent me some of his early private work and I liked what he was doing and gave him encourgement to continue.


He was chosen to this joint team officially last winter, after being encouraged for a time to consider accepting this awesome responsibility. Jess makes his home in Arkansas, USA. I am placing here, what Jess desired to post about his position. We are so very blessed to have you on the Second Coming Team Jess!!!! Welcome aboard. Take care, Candace


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I am listed on the Abundant Hope staff list as the "Oracle" for Christ Michael and Esu, and I feel I should explain what this role entails. This position has come to have a deeper purpose than my perhaps more recognized role of posting journal messages from various guides and commentators. This is a purpose that Christ Michael Aton explained to me last May 2007 as he spoke of the work planned as the mission of Abundant Hope.

"My plan is what has been outlined here through Candace and her writings over these years, and also through what you have heard me say to you. You have provided a running commentary on ideas and issues that have cropped up, and I am grateful to you for your clear explanations and careful assessments. This is an example of the type of analysis and discernment that will be necessary in the days to come. This is not to say that others are not discerning and involved. Just to say that you have provided an excellent example for them to match.

"I will say that you are an oracle for me and for Esu Sananda, and we value your ability to hear clearly and truthfully. For this reason we have come to rely on you for your balanced pronouncements and personal messages that others find resonant. You have always sought to be clean in your thoughts and you have also sought to be unbiased and open to whatever you have heard us say to you. This will be difficult for you to post, I understand, but it is time …to become visible as our voice. This will have more ramifications later as we enter the period of changes that are coming, and your role will be clearly identified and observed.

"Others will say that we are not speaking through you. That you are speaking from your own ego and your own imagination. No. This is a clear line of transmission from me, the Christ Michael of Nebadon, and my pronouncements and decisions are determining when it is time to say enough. I have waited until the very last minute to say "Begin"—and I am still shaping my final decisions—but the impetus has started and the events are now unstoppable. The visible effects of my decisions will be seen shortly. This will take the shape of a transformation of your world and a removal of the most egregious resistance to my will and my Universal law. This is no longer a debate or a contest. This is a change that is underway." (5-23-07)

As I found out, this role of Oracle does have ramifications beyond writing. Esu has asked me to be literally his "voice" for a time.

"This will take place primarily between the Second Coming events and the time I am ready to relocate to Denver… I envision you traveling with me/us as we journey to various places I will need to appear and speak. I plan to use you as a conduit for my thoughts in public appearances and also in private situations where we need to discuss various issues. Others can hear me, but only those with a sufficiently attuned ability at this point."

I of course questioned why Esu chose me for this role, and he said "This is a serious commitment and one that will change your life forever. This is not an idle commitment, but one that will be a culmination of everything you have prepared up to now. Your past lives/ our past lives have prepared, or set the stage, as it were, but this is the reality that it has led up to. It has had intimations in all the work you've done and all that I have discussed with you. We have primed you for this, and now is the time we need to begin to put it into motion. I need your energy resources to amplify mine for the duration of the transition period. This is not saying I am lacking in the energy, it is saying I need the vehicle you can provide to accommodate myself to the physical reality that will still be operational. I will merge my thoughts with you and you will provide a wealth of experience to me. This will be quite a symbiosis."

Then about a month ago I was approached by Helen Engel and informed that Abraham Lincoln was asking for me to work with a group preparing a website devoted to bringing new commentaries from him. Lincoln was also asking me to be his voice. "I wish to use you this time as a written voice for me," he said. "I understand your agreement with Esu, and I assure you this commitment with me will in no way compromise your ability to travel as necessary. We are ready to begin shaping the website, and we need your telepathic ability now to hear me make initial comments. This beginning here will not affect your plans with Candace and Esu. It will only enrich them.

I asked Esu if this would be a problem in terms of time commitments, and he replied "I see no problem at all in your working in a dual capacity with Abraham and with me and whomever else I many need you to connect with. The spiritual merging we will …will allow you also to connect more concretely with others who wish to speak to you."

I seem to have a lot ahead of me. I don't know that I looked for this role, but here it is and I am honored to be asked to do this.




Jess Anthony, Oráculo para Cristo Miguel, Sananda Emmanuel, y Abraham Lincoln

By Candace
Aug 28, 2007, 21:01

Jess Anthony, Oráculo para Cristo Miguel, Sananda Emmanuel, y Abraham Lincoln


¡Hola a todos! Orgullosamente hago publico que Jess Anthony, de quién muchos de ustedes han disfrutado su trabajo, es un miembro de este equipo. Él ahora es –y será en un propósito más grande después de las actividades del anuncio- el Oráculo para Cristo Miguel, Hijo Creador de Nebadón, y para nuestro Príncipe Planetario, Sananda Emmanuel Esu Kumara.  Él también ha iniciado un proyecto con Abraham Lincoln.


Jess entró en escena a principios del verano de 2005, colocando una pieza de Cristo Miguel, y eso me complació mucho, puesto que él agregó apoyo y credibilidad al proyecto. Él me había enviado un poco de su trabajo privado inicial y me agradó lo que estaba haciendo y lo anime a continuar.


Oficialmente él fue elegido para unirse a este equipo el pasado invierno, después de ser animado durante un tiempo para considerar aceptar esta impresionante responsabilidad. Jess tiene su hogar en Arkansas, EEUU. Estoy colocando aquí lo que Jess desea publicar sobre su posición. ¡Somos muy bendecidos por tenerte en este equipo de la Segunda Venida Jess!!! Bienvenido a bordo. Cuídense, Candace.

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Estoy enlistado en el equipo de personal de Esperanza Abundante como el "Oráculo" de Cristo Miguel y Esu, y siento que debo explicar qué implica este papel. Está posición ha llegado a tener un propósito más profundo que mi papel más reconocido de publicar mensajes de mi diario de varios guías y de otros comentaristas. Esta es una finalidad que Cristo Miguel Atón me explicó el pasado mayo de 2007 mientras él comentó sobre el trabajo planeado sobre la misión de Esperanza Abundante.


"Mi plan es lo qué ha sido delineado aquí a través de Candace y sus escritos durante estos años, y también por medio de lo que tú has escuchado que te digo. Tú has proporcionado un comentario actualizado sobre ideas y cuestiones que han surgido, y estoy agradecido de tus explicaciones claras y tus cuidadosos análisis. Este es un ejemplo del tipo de análisis y discernimiento que será necesarios en los días que vienen. Eso no quiere decir que otros no estén discerniendo o participando. Es tan solo para decir que tú has proporcionado un ejemplo excelente para que ellos lo emparejen.


"Te diré a ti que eres un oráculo para mí y para Esu Sananda, y nosotros valoramos tu habilidad para escuchar clara y verazmente. Por esta razón hemos llegado a apoyarnos en ti por tus declaraciones equilibradas y tus mensajes personales que otros encuentran resonantes. Tú siempre has buscado ser limpio en tus pensamientos y también has buscado ser imparcial y abierto a cualquier cosa que has escuchado que te decimos. Esto será difícil para que lo publiques, lo entiendo, pero es tiempo… de volverte nuestra voz visible. Esto tendrá más ramificaciones posteriormente al adentrarnos en el periodo de cambios que se aproximan, y tu papel será claramente identificado y observado.


"Otros dirán que nosotros no estamos hablando a través de ti. Que tú estas hablando desde tu propio ego y desde tu propia imaginación. No. Esta es una línea clara de transmisión desde mí, el Cristo Miguel de Nebadón, y mis declaraciones y decisiones están determinando cuando es tiempo de decir basta. He esperado hasta el mero último momento para decir "Inicien" –y todavía le estoy dando forma a mis decisiones finales—pero los ímpetus han iniciado y los eventos ahora son irrefrenables. Los efectos visibles de mis decisiones serán vistos en el corto plazo. Esto tomará la forma de una transformación de tu mundo y una eliminación de la resistencia más ruda contra mi voluntad y mi ley Universal. Esto ya no es más un debate o una competencia. Este es un cambio que está en marcha." (2007-05-23)


Al igual que yo descubrí, este papel de Oráculo tiene ramificaciones más allá de escribir. Esu me ha pedido ser literalmente su "voz" durante algún tiempo.


"Esto ocurrirá principalmente entre los eventos de la Segunda Venida y el tiempo en el que esté listo para trasladarme hacia Denver… Yo visualizo que tú viajarás conmigo/con nosotros mientras que peregrinamos a varios lugares donde necesitaré aparecer y hablar. Yo planeo usarte como un conducto para mis pensamientos en apariciones públicas y también en situaciones privadas donde necesitemos discutir cuestiones diversas. Otros pueden escucharme, pero en este punto únicamente aquellos con una habilidad suficientemente armonizada"


Yo desde luego cuestioné a Esu por qué me eligió para este papel, y el respondió "Este es un compromiso serio que cambiará tu vida para siempre. Este no es un compromiso ocioso, sino uno que será la culminación de todo lo que tú has preparado hasta ahora. Tus/nuestras vidas pasadas han acondicionado, o preparado el camino, por así decirlo, pero esta es la realidad hasta la que han conducido. Eso ha tenido indicios en todo el trabajo que tú has hecho y todo lo que yo he discutido contigo. Nosotros te hemos alistado para esto, y ahora es el tiempo en el que necesitamos empezar a ponerlo en acción. Necesito tus recursos energéticos para amplificar los míos durante el periodo de transición. Eso no quiere decir que esté falto de energía, quiere decir que necesito un vehiculo que tú puedes proveer para ajustarme a mí mismo a la realidad física que todavía estará en operación. Fusionaré mis pensamientos contigo y tú me proporcionarás un caudal de experiencia para mí. Esto será completamente una simbiosis"


Entonces hace aproximadamente un mes Helen Ángel se me acercó y me informó que Abraham Lincoln estaba solicitándome para trabajar con un grupo que está preparando un sitio de Internet dedicado a traer nuevos comentarios de Lincoln.  Él también estaba pidiéndome que fuera su voz. "Deseo usarte en este tiempo como mi voz escrita" dijo. "Entiendo tu compromiso con Esu, y te aseguro que este compromiso conmigo en ninguna manera comprometerá tu habilidad para viajar según sea necesario. Nosotros estamos listos para darle forma al sitio, y ahora requerimos tu habilidad telepática para que me escuches y hacer mis comentarios iniciales. Este inicio aquí no afectará tus planes con Candace y Esu. Solamente los enriquecerá."


Le pregunte a Esu si habría algún problema en cuestión de dedicación de tiempo, y el respondió "No veo en absoluto ningún problema al desempeñarte en un capacidad dual con Abraham y conmigo y con cualquiera que necesite que te conectes. La fusión espiritual que tendremos… te permitirá también conectarte más concretamente con otros que deseen hablar contigo. "


Parece que tengo muchas cosas frente a mí. No sabía que buscaba este papel, pero aquí está y estoy honrado que se me pida hacerlo.












Aquí puedes encontrar todavía, total o parcialmente, download los Manuales Fénix.

(,  ya no existen. (, ya no existen. (, ya no existen.






"These Journals are the words of Truth which God promised he would send forth at the end times to give man one last chance to choose Truth over the Lie. "The PHOENIX JOURNALS are directed and given forth from the higher brotherhood sent forth as the Hosts for the preparation of this time of cycles when this civilization will make transition into higher understanding or return to the ages of darkness." ---Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn

Note: The only known source of the published paper-back copies of the Phoenix Journals is Phoenix Source Distributors, and the Phoenix Journals are now available for $6.00 per copy or Download Free the books by Internet.


First Journals To Read
2 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 27 & 47

Pleiades Connection Series
30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 36 & 37

Tangled Web Series
43 , 44 , 45 , 46 , 48 , 49 , 50 , 51 & 52

Relative Connection Series
73 , 74 , 75 & 76

Birthing The Phoenix Series
222 , 223 , 224 & 225

Rise Of Antichrist Series
227 , 228 , 229 & 230











What Are The Phoenix Journals?

Many People have asked us what the Phoenix Journals are. They contain the true history (his-story) of mankind on this planet as well as detailed information about the most asked about and wondered about subjects (i.e., Spirituality, E.T.'s, our origin, our purpose here on this planet, etc.). Commander Hatonn, and the other Higher Spiritual Teachers who have authored these Journals, weave spiritual lessons and insights throughout the unveiling of lies which have been deceptively forced upon us, throuhout time, by the Elite anti-Christ controllers. These Journals are the " Dead Sea Scrolls" of our time. Their importance for the growth of mankind cannot be overstated. They are the textbooks of understanding which God promised us we would have, to guide us through the "End Times".

Here is what Commander Hatonn has said about the Phoenix Journals. Quoating from Journal #40, THE TRILLION DOLLAR LIE, Vol. II, pgs. 47 & 48: "Someday in the far recesses of the future experiences of another human civilization--these Journals will be found and TRUTH will again be given unto the world manifest so that another lost civilization can regain and find its way. God always gives His creations that which they need when the sequence is proper. It is what man DOES WITH THESE THINGS which marks the civilization. WHAT WILL YOUR LEGACY BE????? I focus on current activities which might turn your world about in time to save your ecosystems and your sovereighty as nations and peoples. You cannot wait to be filled in on the lies of the generation, lest you wait until too late to take control of your circumstance presently within the lies. YOU ARE A PEOPLE OF MASSIVE DECEPTION AND WHAT YOU WILL DO WITH THIS INFORMATION IN ACTION DETERMINES YOUR PURPOSE AND GROWTH IN THIS WONDEROUS MANIFESTED EXPERIENCE. WILL YOU PERISH PHYSICALLY OF THE EVIL INTENT, OR WILL YOU MOVE INTO AND WITHIN THE PLACES OF HOLY CREATOR? THE CHOICE IS YOURS."

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