jueves, 23 de agosto de 2007

HORRIFIC AUGUST CATACLYSM...."Cross of Blood Alignment...!!!!

Cross of Blood Alignment Sparks Fear of Horrific August Cataclysm


August 23, 2007

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

Though I rarely, if ever, publicly comment upon the research of our Sisters, I felt that a recent report by Sister Adriana-Maria from Belgium is worthy of your attention.

Sister Adriana-Maria is a theoretical linguist who for the past three years has been researching the works of the 19th Century Russian Seer Helena Petrovna Hahn, or as better known to the Western World as Madame Blavatsky, and who was the Co-Founder of the Theosophical Society which is accorded the status as creating the schism between Christianity and what is termed as 'New Age' thought in today's Western World.

In her report titled "Astrological Algorithms Contained In Isis Unveiled", Sister Adriana-Maria states her discovery of a polyalphabetic cipher contained in Madame Blavatsky's 1877 book, Isis Unveiled, that seemingly points to an horrific cataclysmic event occurring during this weekends Triple Conjunction of the Sun, Venus and Saturn.

According to Sister Adriana-Maria, Madame Blavatsky in 1877 foresaw the catastrophic volcanic explosion of the Island of Krakatoa, and which exploded with such force that it is believed to have been the loudest sound in recorded history, and which occurred on August 27, 1883.

But, not only did Madame Blavatsky foresee the 1883 Krakatoa event, she 'looked' further into the future, 130 years to be exact, to the year of 2007, and the date of August 27th, and which she ' foresaw' and even greater event which in her decoded cipher described as '…never before have these [humans] seen such horror and destruction'.

Of astronomical events to occurring during the time period that Madame Blavatsky indicates, between the dates of August 26-28, 2007, it is interesting to find the following:

1.      As previously mentioned, this time period finds the Sun, Venus and Saturn in a Triple Conjunction.

2.      At 0800 UT (3:00 AM US Eastern Seaboard) on August 27th the Planet Mars will rise in the Eastern sky alongside Aldebaran the giant red star located in the constellation Taurus and resembling ' two eerie, unblinking eyes'.   

3.      During the early morning hours of August 28th one of the longest lunar eclipses in recorded history will occur with our Moon becoming completely immersed for nearly 90 minutes, and which will be visible to the entire World.

It is more than interesting to note, according to Sister Adriana-Maria, the association of Aldebaran in both Madame Blavatsky's cipher prophecy and its upcoming paring with Mars as the kabalistic symbol [see top right image] for this ancient star of the Persians, known as the Bulls Eye, for its being located in the head of Taurus the Bull, in that all pasts associations of Aldebaran and Mars have seen great destruction and turmoil upon our Planet.

Greatly accentuating the conjoining of Aldebaran and Mars, in what the ancient kabbalists termed the "Cross of Blood", as evidenced by their symbol, is the nearly simultaneous Lunar occultation of almost historic time length, and which many researchers attribute to being the cause of great earthquakes.

Though firm scientific research on the linking of Lunar eclipses and earthquake activity is sorely lacking, their does remain abundant anecdotal evidence of an association as great earthquakes are known to occur within a short time period either immediately prior to, or immediately following, total Lunar eclipses, to include:

January 9, 2001 Total Lunar Eclipse: 7.6 magnitude earthquake in India killing nearly 20,000

May 16, 2003 Total Lunar Eclipse: 6.4 magnitude earthquake in Turkey killing nearly 200/ 6.8 magnitude earthquake in Algeria killing nearly 2,500/ 7.0 magnitude earthquake in Japan with no deaths

November 9, 2003 Total Lunar Eclipse: 6.1 magnitude earthquake in China destroying over 10,000 homes and killing 9

May 4, 2004 Total Lunar Eclipse: Yellowstone Caldron earthquake swarm lasting 3 days and causing over 400 small quakes

October 28, 2004 Total Lunar Eclipse: 6.7 magnitude earthquake in Japan killing nearly 30

August 28, 2007 Total Lunar Eclipse: 8.0 magnitude earthquake in Peru killing nearly 600  

Sister Adriana-Maria cautions in her report that though earthquake activity, or other such catastrophic natural disasters, does seem to be indicated in her research of Madame Blavatsky's ciphers, it by no means rules out other types of disasters, including those caused by war.

© August 23, 2007 EU and US all rights reserved.

 [Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about the United States except those coming from authorized government and/or affiliated sources, of which we are not one.   No interviews are granted and very little personal information is given about our contributors, or their sources, to protect their safety.]


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